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Sacred Speak


Words are of Human Conception.


It is Humans, and Humans ALONE, which Require words to Communicate-as far as We Currently know. Though We may Communicate in other ways, We often focus so keenly on the words themselves, that We miss the Meaning.


Spirit Speak goes Beyond our Human Understanding. It Gives Voice to things that Require no Words.


For Some, this is what They Define as "Speaking n Tongues". To "Speak in Tongues" is to Speak in the Language (Tongue) of Those Present. Spirit Speak goes Beyond Language.


It Calls to an Emotional Understanding that Transcends This Moment. It is a Universal; Experienced by All. The songs of the American Natives or the Voodohn Practitioners Speak the Same Tune, as can the Pentecostal, who may choose more syllables to Speak the Same Song.


Music does this, rather We Recognize it, or even enjoy it. It is why, when Placed with Care, Music can Enhance Healing and Perception. We do this as well.


Rather We are Aware or not, We Emit a Message. The Emotional Imprint, the Example of Behavior; All leave an Impression We should Impart with Care.


To do this most Successfully, We MUST Respect, the Spirit of Other Beings, Human or Divine. Openly Speak, with Caution to Hearing.

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