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Sacred Geometry


You must first Understand that I do not consider mySelf to be of a Mathematical Mind.  The concepts behind numbers and equations usually confuse me, though Geometry from the very beginning was of peculiar interest, as were certain Sciences.  Social Sciences, the mechanics and possibilities of the Human Mind, and the Natural world are all things that have interested me from an early age, due greatly to my grandfather.  The definitions of these things are probably both a bit more encompassing as well as definite for me than for others, but I am an eclectic creature of conflicting dualities, and rarely see things from my Own Eyes, as Others would see through Their's.


Geometry is simple and basic.  It can be made into visual Understandings, and in Definite ways.  Although not everyOne is intended to Understand everyThing, it is IMPERATIVE that all Beings Existing in a Common Plane, has a Common Point of Origin.  This has nothing to do with amoebas and cells, and EVERYTHING to do with Evolution.


Evolution is not a dirty anti-Christian word.  It does not solely imply the physical realm, rather or not the physical realm might be affected.  Evolution is the advancement of a Being.  It is what Learning is about.  As we Learn we Evolve into better Beings, enhancing the Creation as it IS.  Evolution may also be other Things, but those things are simply not Important to the Existence of Now.


We, who are Sentient (thinking) Beings, have a Common Point of Origin; a simple and basic point upon which Understanding can be formed.  Without Understanding, Knowledge cannot flow, Learning cannot take place, and Life will stagnate.  Communication is REQUIRED, and Agreement reached.


Geometry, which is contained in the Natural World, yet confines noThing, is this Common Point of Origin:


Life, in Our Understanding, has a Beginning and an End.  Our Experience is on a Straight Line with a Past and Future.  At any moment we are on a Point, which is Now.  Time, is just beyond our comprehension, stretching out, in various ways Beyond the Limits of Our Experience.  This is the Plane of Our Shared Existence, encompassing this Earth and it's Possibilities.  These are basic things, which can be Agreed Upon By ALL.


Humanity is a Continuous Circle, each time renewing itSelf, like a Phoenix, from the ashes of it's Own Self Destruction.  For Some Individuals, this is the Way of Reincarnation, for Others it is the Glorious Rejoining of the Righteous.  Observations of the Natural world bears Evidence of the Circle as one Life must Sacrifice for the Survival of anOther.


But not just Humans are Sentient Beings.  Independent of what most Humans would consider Lower Orders (our Natural Siblings), more Individuals, than not, would also Agree that there  are Things Beyond Our Understanding.  Not just Ideas, but Beings.


Most Humans profess to Believe in SomeThing Beyond Us called "God", though It goes by many Names and has greatly varying affect, Influence, and involvement in the Existence of Individuals.  This Higher Power is a Sphere, limited by NOTHING, not even the confines of Human Experience or Ability to Understand.  It is the Continuation when ALL THINGS Pass, It can be neither created, nor destroyed; It simply IS, with the capacity to Grow to Encompass ALL Understanding.


Most Individual Beings, would also concede the Existence of someThing Between.  There is a Greatness that is Far Beyond, but there is also someThing just out of Reach.  Something that falls between Human Existence and the Supreme Creator.  For some it is the plane of Angels and Demons, for others it is the Place where Ghosts and Lost Souls Reside, for Others it is the Spirit World where We Walk with Our Spirit Guides.  This Place needs not be Defined, it is Enough to possess a shared Knowledge that it Exists as well.  It is the connection Between Our Experience, the Other Existence, and the Great Creator of ALL that is the Sacred Triangle.  It is only the True Mystic who Understands a Sacred Pyramid.


It is in Balance and Questioning that we learn to Achieve Peace and Understanding.

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