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Everything We Do, everything We Say has Consequences.  Just as the Consequence of filling Our lungs with air is that We breath and therefore Live, so is the Consequence of not doing so, rather by Choice or Coercion, Death.  This Simply Is.  Though breathing may be manipulated, within that ordinary act, many Natural Consequences can be found.  Physical Consequences have a Standard General Truth within Them.  Usually


Just as We have No Control over how anyOne else may Perceive Our Intentions, there are Consequences that are Beyond Our Command.  Most Specifically, Our Words, in whatever format, USUALLY has Consequences We did not Anticipate.  Sometimes, such as when Others Share what You have to Say, there can be Positive consequences, such as a career.  Often, such as when You Say what You Really Think, there can be Negative Consequences, such as Hurting a Loved One’s Feelings.  Unfortunately, We rarely Understand even a portion of the Consequences We Cause.


There are Consequences that are so Intense that They Impact a Society.  The more Individuals with Whom You Interact, the more Impact You will have.  From the Most Reserved to the Boldest, We should Each Take Care with how We Knowingly Influence Others.


This does not Mean We should Never Cause Conflict.  It is Through Conflict that We Evolve.  This does Mean We should be Prepared for Negative Consequences when We do.  Because We cannot Control the Actions of Others no more than We can Control Their Thoughts, We cannot Dictate the Parameters of Their Reactions.  This is True from War to the Internal Responses We Each Process.  Our Internal Dialog is the Consequence of Our Previous Experience.  Although We may Control Our Actions so that We may  Process Our Emotional Responses, They Exist as They Occur in That First Moment.


The Raw Emotion of That First Moment should be the Least of Your Expectations in Others.  It Is Out Of Your Control.  They are Different Beings, with Different Experiences, and likely Different Standards.  You cannot Expect Them to have the Same Emotional Response nor the Same Reaction.  The only Control You have is in You.


The ONLY control You have is in YOU.  You Chose rather to Provoke or Inspire.  Remembering there will be As Many Consequences As Individuals Who Perceive It, Your Single Behavior can Cause Both Results.  The Depth of Unhappiness Comes in Refusing to Accept the Consequences of Our Actions, rather We Believe they are Appropriate or not.  Moral Judgment is Not Required for a Consequence to Materialize.  It is Usually Afterward that We have an Idea of Future Potential Consequences, a nominal Understanding of which being Required for an Effective Conclusion.


We do not Need to Agree with a Consequence in order to Accept Our part in Its Cause.  Our Beliefs being as Unique and Individual as Our Selves, We will Experience such Disagreement.  To Accept does not equal Agree.  Disagreement does not mean Hatred.  We can Love Our Children even though We are Angry with Them.  We do take Responsibility for that Anger.  As We Chose Our Behaviors which Cause Consequences, so do We Chose how to Process what We do with the Results.


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