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It takes a very calloused soul to be able to ignore a puppy.  In a community of those reaching the end of their stay here, the fresh life that a puppy represents must at least bring a smile to the eyes of the most determined grouch.


The reason for this is the unquestionable joy that comes with such innocence.  A puppy has only the simple thirst for the joy of being to guide its behavior.  With no pre-conceived ideas with which to temper their reactions, every romp, an individual bark, a single lick indicates a fresh perspective on an old experience.


It seems often a suggestion can turn the head of some unsuspecting person, but very young children, and most particularly puppies, are un-poisoned by the input of stories and tales.  As pet parents, just as people parents, we learn to interpret the needs of our charges.  Aunty does not require being underfoot to know that the munchkins are not trying to misbehave, but only need to express themselves!  Thus we note the behaviors of our pets as well.


And so when the youngest resident learns the difference between the voice of the average John walking down the hallway and playmate Bill speaking to the neighbor at the end, it becomes time to accept their expansion of attention.  They have learned to differentiate their status, as well as the importance of the movements around them.  Likewise we have learned to understand the difference between their common reaction and those that are out of the ordinary.


Thus, in that solitary moment when a puppies attention is drawn by a singular motion we are unable to witness except by the undeniable response it elicits, we must consider what we cannot understand.  Did the dog just watch something walk across the floor, or was it simply a shadow?  Once we may convince ourselves the loosest explanation fits.  The second time we cannot help but question our concept of reality.

EP: Sophies Sight

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