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Fresh blood.  And a Sensitive; one of my favorite kinds!  I can sense the weakness in her.  She has been fighting a spiritual battle for a very long time.  I am surprised she hasn’t given in.  I can still taste the wounds my brothers and sisters have left on her.  For too long I have sat here playing at these fools who barely even believe I exist!


The night disguises me as I stalk her.  She thinks she is happy now that she has changed her circumstances.  These mountains that she loves hide more secrets than she will ever hope to know!  I am but one of them.  I watch.  I wait.  Unpacking boxes of memories.  Boxes of things left undone.  Yes!  These very things that give her strength also make her sad.  Feel guilty. 


Pictures on the walls of better days.  Those smiles will seem but empty shadows when I am done.  Remind her of what she has lost.  Remind her of what she has left behind.  There is no time!  No time to heal before it is too late!  Infuse the air with self-doubt.  Recriminations. 


Yes!  Return to where my friends await to renew their attack.  Blame!  Expectations!  Loss!  Pain!  That mixture of support tinged in guilt.  It opens those scars left by the step-mother: one minute kind, the next cruel.  Go seek out those sources of strength that are edged in remorse.  It makes you more vulnerable to me when you come back seeking that hope you think you have found here.

Watching. Waiting.  I creep closer.  Send those you have loved and lost into Hell.  Remember with sadness not joy.  You have failed him.  Your promises are worth nothing.  You left!  You left her!  You left them all behind!  How can you think yourself righteous?  How can you be so certain?  You are nothing if you cannot live as you were taught!


The strength in this one is great.  But it is not greater than me!  She has been taught well, and she has experienced Grace not often found.  How can she doubt herself and still be so certain?  We will see, little girl.  We will see!


At last!  A break in that armor!  Love will not save you now!  I rush upon her sleeping form.  I test her unconscious mind.  I am here!  My darkness will rule you!  You cannot escape evil!!


I feel her breaking.  I feel that fear come upon her and I know I can win.  I have seen her succumb before.  Victory is mine!


No!!  I will not listen!  You cannot command me!  You are nothing compared to me!  I must not obey you.  I must not retreat.  I will not go because you demand it.  I will not…  I will not.  I will not!


I see.  Now is not the time.  You have done more than surround yourself with the memories of love.  You are fed by love that I have not seen.  But this is not over.  I will withdraw, but only for now.  There will come a time when you will see me again.  When you will know my full strength.  Until then, little girl.  Sad little girl….

EP: A Daemon Speaks

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